Do you have a business question? Or do you want to know how you will soon be of value as a creative professional?
Attend one of the workshops in the months of March to May. After each workshop, you can stick around for tailored advice.
Workshops March-May 2023
HKU X organises several workshops in which you will learn to name the ways in which you and your project create value. Here, you will come into contact with makers from other disciplines, so that you learn to explain your added value outside the bubble of your own discipline. Moreover, HKU graduates will be happy to share their experiences with you.
You can also request a consult for general (creative business) questions and topics such as pricing, legal issues and funds.
Registration for the workshop and consult are both free of charge. After the workshop, you can stick around for tailored advice.
The workshop “What am I worth?” is the core of the spring programme. This workshop has the same content and structure every time, so you can choose which date you attend. In ‘What am I worth?’ we explore the different ways in which you and your work create value. This will help you better articulate those values, for example in your artist statement. In this workshop:
- Get a brief introduction on different ways to create value as a creative professional (maker, designer or artist).
- We will look for the balance between your individual makerhood, your value for other makers, your social and economic value.
- You will meet HKU alumni who tell how they were of value inside and outside the arts after graduation.
Register for ‘What am I worth?’ or a consult
You can register directly for the ‘What am I worth?’ workshop (English spoken edition).
Please let us know if you want to register for a (creative business) consult too.